Monday, July 12, 2010

With All Due Respect

Despite the formatting promise in the 'compose' window of my last post, the published version disappointed with an overlapped photograph, leaving this exquisite Neoclassical (Federal if you speak American) home at 392 Mississauga Street in Niagara on the Lake, obscured. So by way of compensating, I quote Peter John Stokes (Old Niagara on the Lake, U of T Press, 1971):
"Perhaps the most resplendent doorway in Niagara graces this frame house, a much embroidered design bringing to mind those of the Federal period in New England. The builder of the house did not finish there, but pulled all the stops to employ that marvellous material, the native white pine, to decorate his exterior with fluted pilasters, crowned by Ionic capitals, with florid ramshorns and a modillion cornice carried along the eaves as a gutter and across the gable ends in a pediment feature. Some years ago, before the present owner started preservation of the house and the restoration of some of its essential features, the drabness of the exterior and neglected appearance concealed this masterpiece."

And the work continues....notice the painter's label on the front door!
This was a heart-breakingly beautiful corner property, an acre of old trees and shady lawns, the house uncharacteristically set well back, and surrounded by a white painted fence.


  1. How much more inviting can an entrance possibly be? And just look at that lovely shaded lawn! Lemonade and tiny crustless sandwiches at 3 o'clock? BYOP (bring your own parasol)

  2. How much more inviting can an entrance possibly be? And that lovely shaded lawn - tea and tiny crustless sandwiches at 3 o'clock? BYOP (bring your own parasol)

  3. I just discovered your photo of the Breakenridge Hawley House above. While I technically have title I have long determined I am the only the temporary steward and the house owns me. It is a beautiful piece of architecture and an extraordinary property. If you pass this way again I would be happy to show you inside.
