Saturday, February 26, 2011

It's a sickness...

It's a sickness, but a good one.

Any enthusiasm - showing wolfhounds, building replica vintage and historic motorcycle frames, collecting early Heathkit sets or fine guitars - they are all intensely absorbing and very rewarding. They also lead to interesting connections with others who share the bug.

A gentleman I have just met through this blog has developed a Field Guide to old house styles he calls A Field Guide to Building Watching. It's at
Massive amount of work and research. Great photos and checklists for identification. A project I once had in mind - glad Ted got to it first, it's a big job! It will be a regular stop from now on.

Another contact researches Eaton's houses (those mail-order homes sold in kits or as plans in the early decades of the 20th century) and is anxious to hear from anyone in Ontario who knows of examples in this province. If you know of any, please contact me at the email on this blog and I will get in touch with her.

Must go. Feeling poorly. Need an infusion of the latest issue of Heritage Matters. Or maybe I'll work some more on my blog. Or perhaps a few more pages of Leslie Maitland. Then there are the minutes from Thursday's municipal heritage meeting to write up. Or I could work on my photo files for the ACO tour in October. Or my article on Glanmore house for Umbrella. Oh dear. It IS a sickness, isn't it?

Left: in Belleville, adjacent to Corby Rose Garden
Right: Hochelaga Inn, Kingston


  1. Just had a fun look at Ted's blog - I'm hoping there will be more posts from him. Your two buildings in this post...location, location, please!
