Thursday, March 10, 2011

Queen Street Queen Anne

I love everything about this house....starting with its name. She introduces herself with a refined moue; a discrete etched glass window reads "Queen Ann Villa". She sits on Queen the corner of Anne Street. She is a Queen Anne Revival style home. Impeccably kept, aloof behind her prim iron fence and gate, approachable via a curved sidewalk, she sits on a leafy street in one of our leafiest neighbourhoods.

This house has the eclectic appeal of all Queen Anne Revival homes. It's built of red brick with white trim, and features black and red brick detailing at the top of an unusual two-storey blind arch at the front of the two storey bay. This section has paired windows on left and right sides, but not in the central section. The house sports a complex roof accommodating two gables and a hip centre section. There is a delightful oriel window on the west side of the house, and a round window in the attic storey in the south gable. The gables are deep with bargeboard and brackets. Lots more...roundheaded windows on the second floor, flat ones below, all headed with alternating red and black brick arches, a delicate porch with etched glass windows and iron cresting above the cornice. Above the porch is a double door topped by a round-headed fanlight. A lovely lovely spot.

Heritage Buildings East of the Moira (HCHS) dates the house as 1888. It's a treasure on a street of treasures - a favourite house on a favourite walk.


  1. Another one that would suit me just fine, and the street is one of the most appealing in the city, too. Once again, thanks for taking me beyond the two-storey red brick house that I would have seen.

  2. Ah my friend you sell yourself short. You have a great eye for old houses and a not inconsiderable knowledge.
