Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Home and Garden

A photograph just flashed up on my screen-saver slide show...a lovely board and batten driveshed I snapped with my friend and neighbour Elaine, when we were prowling the back roads of Tamworth. Encouraged by a lovely email from a blog visitor, I share this photo and one or two others.

These images have in common the friendly marriage of soft old brick, sunbleached wood or warm stone with tangled kitchen gardens and abundant beds of homespun natives like coneflowers and black-eyed susans. These spots stop me in my tracks every time. Thanks gardeners, I know it hasn't been easy.
top: 2 lovely places near Tamworth
bottom: McFarland House, Niagara Parkway

1 comment:

  1. Just want to step right into these photos. You caught the spirit of the places well.
