Thursday, March 1, 2012

Verandah needed...urgent

I'm posting this photo of the old farm-house because I need some hot June sun warming the day lilies and me, instead of  freezing rain and sloppy snow. The lawn looks like a good spot to lie down and watch pictures in the clouds- remember when that was a suitable occupation for an afternoon? No "I'm bored" allowed. And when the sun gets too hot, we'll withdraw to the verandah's shade. Used to be shadier, a cave of Dutchman's Pipe vine creating a green den for a summer snooze. Ah, feel warmer already.

Occurs to me to add that there actually is a verandah needed in this photo. Years ago a good farmer, too busy, too practical and too poor to replace a collapsing 1860's wood verandah with attendant gingerbread, made a clean sweep. An early photo shows what was lost.

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