Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Faith of our fathers

How complex and interesting the sky-line suddenly became, as I shuffled along College Street in the heat. Suddenly two evocative towers loomed through the trees. In the shade of the north wall of the many-gabled brick and stone Gothic church, I learned its story from the familiar Ontario Heritage Trust plaque, and travelled back to the growing year of 1858 when a prominent family donated the land, and an influential architect built it. Back to when this busy chaotic unlovely corner of Bathurst and College was...country.

They called the church St.-Stephen-in-the-Fields, because it was.


St.Stephen-in-the-Fields - in its remote rural setting, 1850/60
When you think Kensington Market, think of this old-world oasis, an English country village church transplanted to one of the world's most multi-ethnic neighbourhoods.

Archival photo courtesy: Toronto Public Library

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