Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Getting stoned with St. Stephen

Not long ago I wrote about an English-village church I'd "discovered" on the grotty corner of Bathurst and College at the edge of Kensington Market. Today I found this link in an award-winning online architectural conservation e-bulletin I subscribe to: . Editor Catherine Nasmith is an architect and former president of ACO Ontario, knows a thing or two about heritage research and restoration, and does not suffer fools gladly.

An item in the newsletter caught my eye, a link to a Globe and Mail article about that wonderful old St.Stephen in-the-Fields (1858), a source for good in its diverse community.

This new (courageous, innovative, smacking of desperation) use for a facility dedicated to St. Stephen and his unfortunate end, gives new meaning to the term getting stoned. Sorry.

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