Monday, May 21, 2012

Welcome back m'lady

Glanmore, 257 Bridge Street East, Belleville

Exterior painting only a teeny hint of
what you will experience inside

A graceful tip of the flower-bedecked hat to the outstanding staff at Glanmore National Historic Site, for the vision, the expertise, the sheer heart-breaking work they have devoted to the recent plaster ceiling consolidation and paint restoration at Belleville's exquisite Glanmore. 

This Second Empire treasure re-opened Friday May 18 to great accolades - and rightly so.

If you have never been, you have missed a great deal. If you go now, for the first time, you will be absolutely (to quote my father-in-law) gob-smacked.

What Hanley Hath Wrought!
Mansard Roof system, NHS material

Summer Hours: June-August, Tuesday through Sunday, 10:00 to 4:30

1 comment:

  1. How lovely to see the old girl looking so smart! I'm due for another walk-through any day now, especially with my UK withdrawal.
