Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Home is where the Heart is

Or so they say.
Certainly my heart.

I had this thought a few minutes ago, as Melissa showed off the Victorian opulence of the dining room set for Christmas dinner at one of 'my' houses.

I am deeply committed to two local homes...and a more different pair of houses one would be hard pressed to find.

For the past two years, I have become increasingly involved with the Friends of Glanmore, who support the mandate of  Glanmore National Historic Site, an 1883 Second Empire masterpiece in Belleville.

In recent months I have fallen under the spell of a place that might one day be another NHS - and certainly is even now, to friends of Can Lit - the Ameliasburgh A-frame of that reprobate poet, Al Purdy.

Now what girl could ask for two more different objects for her affection? It's a bit like admiring the well-connected young aristocrat your parents have in mind for you, while being swept off your feet by the wild poet who challenges you and makes your heart race.

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes, the wild poet. Always dangerous. A creature to be encountered in youth, when one is resilient – and rebellious. Which I guess Al's Eurithe did, and then stuck with him all those years anyway. What an interesting dichotomy to be dealing with, lovely Glanmore and dilapidated (but much-loved) A-frame!
