Sunday, November 4, 2012

"If you could say it in words...

.. there would be no reason to paint." - Edward Hopper

In Mutters, a local inn, where we survived
a dramatic thunderstorm over bratwurst and cheese

A lovely gentleman I know in the local Historical Society has sent me a slideshow of Bavarian painted houses. What an intriguing tradition. I wonder how many other cultures have chosen to decorate their homes in such a way.

While I try to figure out how to share George's slideshow on this page (because it deserves a wider audience) I'll share a few photos taken years ago, in Mutters and Innsbruck, Austria where I grew to love the traditional Tyrolean style buildings with their long sloping roofs, galleries and the flower-boxes, oh the flower-boxes....and met a few painted houses in old Innsbruck.

The Golden Eagle Inn and a much younger me

Heblinghouse, Innsbruck

Plaid Denis making a bee-line to The Golden Roof,
both much brighter in person

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