Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Raise a glass - Old Stockdale Mill Restaurant

Taj Mahal's  'Fishing Blues' would suit me fine about now
County and Quinte Living magazine has just published an article I wrote about two local mills repurposed as community hubs offering eats and drinks. And great good times. One of them is the Old Stockdale Mill Restaurant. Visit Peter and his team at the website.

The dark and artistic mill photo in the magazine, taken by the fabulous Daniel Vaughan, shows one mood of this historic building.

These sunny Sunday afternoon snaps conjure a different Stockdale experience. Enjoy it with us?

The mill pond above the dam. The old sawmill across Cold Creek. Please buy it and ensure the longevity of this iconic mill view. The late summer sun puts the pond in a reflective mood.

Den enjoying a glass of Beau's on the deck under the ash trees overlooking the dam.

This spot makes me think of an old Wild West movie set

A sunny day welcome at Stockdale

A room with a view - and what a view!
A good spot for a good read
Den and I enjoyed a beautiful early fall Sunday afternoon on the patio at Old Stockdale Mill Restaurant. The sun does lovely things to old buildings - we old girls are always looking for the right light to make the most of our best features. 


  1. Stockdale, of all places! This restaurant looks lovely, and I'm so glad I've found out about it thanks to this blog. And how's this for a coincidence: just last weekend I was at a dinner party where one of the other guests is a musician in a band that plays regularly at – the Old Stockdale Mill. Coincidence? I think not!

    1. I am convinced there are no coincidences. But this connection might just be as deep as a second encouragement to get to OSM!

  2. Now looking forward even more to our dinner next week. I hope that good-looking man will still be sitting there!

  3. Yeah, I think we might even bring him indoors...
