Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Visitation, Monday and Tuesday

The police officer said "it's been like this all day. Yesterday it was non-stop people coming to look, take pictures."

He and Denis chatted about his unhappy Christmas day duty shift, while I wandered around this hotel I know so well, taking farewell shots.

 The day was dull, and although I had wished for sun to accent some of the loveliness that still remained, perhaps the day fit the mood.

People came and went, smiling to each other in silence. Supportive silence. Each of us paying our respects. Remembering our memories. Thinking how her presence will impact us all, our downtown, our history. A wake if you like.

 Tomorrow heavy equipment removes this damaged south wall. Four walls support each other...three walls, no roof? Inherently unstable.

A wake is a community goodbye.

Because we all kind-of know.

She's not going to survive this tactical demolition. This is goodbye.

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