Friday, January 18, 2013

Gone Walkabout

ACO Quinte area walking tours have been going on for a long time. I have just enjoyed reading a delightful eight-page account (a significant chunk of the 25 page Fall 1986 issue of ACORN) written by then Quinte Region president, the well-known heritage activist and writer Rodger Greig. He titles the article which describes tours of Glenora, the village of Roslin, and Cherry Valley, 'Lessons Learned from Walking Tours' and makes the point that "our buildings are on our streets for our education, enjoyment and use." Provided we are good citizens and stay on the sidewalk.

Sidney township but tour October 2012

On Sunday, January 20, at 2 PM at Bridge Street United Church, the AGM for the Quinte chapter of the ACO will take place (with cookies) in the meeting room of historic Bridge Street United Church. President for life (or so it doubtless seems to him) is David Bentley, with whom I worked for some years.

 David has been continuing the tradition of third-Sunday walking tours in the area.

Old East Hill walking tour 

These photos are from two of the tours in 2012 - a walking tour of the Old East Hill and a bus tour of some of the historic farms and buildings in Sidney township.

David assembles a tour guide for all these junkets; they are available at the archives of Prince Edward in Wellington. I have enjoyed exploring the back roads of Sidney township, following the instructions in a 1990 ACO tour itinerary, taking photos to add to the guides.

Kathryn enjoying the Corby Rose Garden
George and Denis 
David who makes it all happen


  1. Going to have to make a tough decision...same day every month as our speakers' group meeting. I think nice weather will help me make the choice.

  2. will the area being toured. It will be great to have you along. Don't know what the line-up for 2013 will be yet.
