Wednesday, January 2, 2013

FHF furthermore

c.1819 Georgian/Neoclassical Ham House house in Bath

Ron Tasker, he who is not easily deterred

While I'm on the Frontenac Heritage Foundation website, I am reminded of the house tour which took place in Kingston just before Christmas. Which I missed.

The owner and host was the same Ron Tasker whom we met last July, when he opened the doors of the venerable Ham House in Bath. Ron is clearly not afraid of a challenge. He is rescuing the Ham House from the historic wallpaper right out to the disintegrating cladding.

I had worried about the house and its future way back in 2010 and celebrated its rescue-in-progress last July.

Anyway, I was very pleased to find that Ron Tasker and his family have a substantial, elegant and historic stone home in Kingston, the Vosper House, to which to retreat when the plaster dust gets overpowering in Bath. If you want to follow the tour of Vosper House, visit the excellent Frontenac Heritage Foundation website. Almost as good as a walking tour of Kingston on a warm day.

1 comment:

  1. Well, yeah, but did you, like me, make the mistake of clicking on the Old Home Television link? Argh! Now I have to buy an old home that I can restore and preserve!
