Friday, January 25, 2013


 One of the best times of my summer with a camera was a hot August afternoon wandering among these rescued early log homes. I had spent the morning with Mel Shakespeare at the Tradition Home home/office, learning about Mel and his passion for early homes, for an article in Country Roads magazine.
I did a post about the visit back in September. After the interview, Mel directed me to his outdoor warehouse of rescued log buildings, where I spent two happy solitary hours listening to old house stories. Sitting on worn doorsteps, wandering in and out of log house doorways, I imagined the lives led in these rooms.

Suddenly this damp, dull, -10 degree day fades, and I am alone again in that sunburned wildflower meadow, surrounded by the warm shells of early early log buildings which had been disassembled, moved and rebuilt here, waiting for a customer to purchase and build a home in and around them.

 After I enjoyed the memories of that day, I went to Mel's website, to see how his retirement sale was progressing...though to imagine this man retired is a bit of a reach...and found this. Nice, Mel, thanks.

My surprise at seeing the article brings back the delight at exploring the featured home with its owner, the lovely Anne Keefer, and the sadness at hearing she passed away soon after the article was written. Her home brought her such joy...I cannot think of a lovelier spot for her spirit to have chosen to rest than this sunny meadow.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this, I wish i had been there as you spoke to Mel. Took a look at the Grobb house, which was beautiful (the wattle and daub was nice to see, as was the hardware and several other features). I like the fact that he´s kept as much of the building as possible....its reconstruction afterwards will seem all the more legitimate. Portals, indeed.
