Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Cottage Life

One of the delights of a ramble through Cabbagetown is the number of workers' cottages that have been lovingly restored, with tiny perfect gardens.

Wellesley Cottages are a wonderful example. So tiny. How much more space we seem to need now!
Here's a link to more background on these astonishing little houses built in 1875- and their astonishing preservation advocates the Cabbagetown Heritage Conservation District committee.

Other delightful examples of Gothic inspired centre gables, tiny symmetrical homes abound.

These in stucco with prim white bargeboard..

This tiny perfect clapboard home with the bay window at left and the very pompous doorcase with transom and entablature...

This sombre red brick with polychrome brick window lintels,airy bargeboard with finial, large Regency style windows, an inviting porch, a wee elliptical window and a formal wrought iron fence...

...and the rest of its neighbourhood, with the whimsical pale blue with yellow front door confection next door taking centre stage.

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