Monday, May 27, 2013

Of Cabbages and more cabbages

Uh-oh. I'm in trouble now.
My correspondence Mark Wilson, who is similarly infected with old house disease, the particularly virulent east coast strain, has just handed me the keys to months of time well wasted. Mark's other love seems to be the Cabbagetown area of Toronto.

In a reply to my question in a recent post Mark included a link to a masterwork of the Cabbagetown Heritage Conservation District Committee (a committee whose visible success should be an inspiration to all of us trying to preserve old neighbourhoods).

The resource is a Compendium of 2700 property images, with descriptions of the property (dates, owners, heritage elements, including trees!).

 I look forward to taking a virtual return trip with photos from my recent walkabout, and the Compendium, which I have left open (and I hope it works, they admit to some technical difficulties) at 435 Sackville Street, once the home of our beloved Al Purdy, considerably gentrified now by all appearances.

Allanah said, be sure to check this out vacancy, not surprisingly

deep setbacks, always a hint of something old


  1. One of my favourite areas as well, though I haven't spent enough time just walking around.

  2. I know, I'm brutal. I think I need my own blog ! I laughed when you spoke about hours of wasted time due to "new material". I've spent many hours perusing websites dedicated to old buildings and inventories. And yes, NS is my Cdn. favourite....what can I say ?? Years ago, before there was much on the internet in that regard, and well before the Historic Places websites arrived, I traveled NS from end to end getting pics and info for my own planned website. It never came together, though I sometimes think I'd still like to do it.

    Did you see the article in the Star today about that beautiful building on Queen East that was demolished ? .....pathetic.

    BTW, not sure if you noticed, but the 3 beige attached cottages (3rd pic) on the "Cottage Life" entry, are actually reproductions of some sort, rebuilt in 1991 when the original 1873 cottages were demolished. According to that fancy compendium anyways. They looked pretty real in the pics.....

  3. Wow, these are all seasoned houses and roofs. It's amazing to see that even though a lot of time has passed they still look sturdy. I believe one factor that contributed to this is the maintenance. I mean look at them, they all look like a pretty neat place to stay. Thanks for sharing such wonderful images.

    Lauren Floyd
