Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Poetry and Architecture

Al and Eurithe Purdy's A-frame at Roblin Lake
To establish firmly the link between poetry and architecture, I offer this fascinating chapter by D.M.R. Bentley, on 'the Poetics of Al Purdy's Architecture' from Canadian Poetry's erudite online offering 'Essays on Canadian Architexts'. And then there's this, from Canadian Architect.

I hope by including these links I have satisfactorily explained the connection between my two passions - the work of Al Purdy/ the work of saving the A-frame, and my study and sharing of images and thoughts about historic architecture.

And this is by way of saying, I have been absent for the past month or so, immersed in the minutiae and the stupendous, co-organizing the First Annual Purdy Picnic at the historic literary landmark.

When time permits, when all the unpacking is done, I will post images and recollections on this blog's sister site In Search Of Al Purdy. Please do drop by.

And then, once the thank-you letters, the port mortems and the tidying up (and the sleeping) are all caught up, I want to share my wanderings around Leeds and Grenville United Counties and their townships,during an escape week at Charleston Lake Provincial Park in mid-July. I had to look up their names, because my knowledge of the counties and county towns of Ontario was acquired (under threat) during my S.S.#3 North Marysburgh school days, and is now a useless pre-amalgamation relic).  We'll make stops at Outlet, Escott, Lyndhurst, Lansdowne, Mitchellville, Lynn, Mallorytown and oh, yes, Brockville, which had more places of interest than I had, battery.

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