Monday, August 5, 2013

The Day the Battery Died

The Fulford Block 1887-89 - and a good spot for a pub lunch

I was just getting warmed up. I had tracked down a walking tour guide of the historic buildings of the city. Had on my comfy hill-climbing sandals. We had refreshed ourselves with a walk along the scenic river-front park.

view from a pub lunch

We had even found a great pub with an outdoor patio, and enjoyed good beer and salads. Got myself oriented, selected a route for the forced march....walked a half -block or so when that pesky battery warning started blinking at me through the view-finder.

polychrome slate: a local specialty
Wall Street Wesleyan Methodist Church 1830

Then nothingness. Nothing except a reminder that is it possible, and indeed, preferable, to wander and look and discuss and appreciate first-hand, without wondering about camera angle, or just right light. Worked out very well actually.

Hubbell's Building  c.1825
 Brockville's own Renaissance palazzo
But I did make myself a promise to return to exquisite Brockville, to pay homage to its history and its historic architecture. And to be a bit more attentive to the needs of my battery.

Presbyterian church c.1879
Publow Terrace, c.1895

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