Sunday, October 13, 2013

Old Buildings make New News

At the end of September,  I read a CBC News report of the destruction by fire of a 100-year old building on historic Montague Street on Lunenburg Nova Scotia's UNESCO World Heritage waterfront.

a fine handbuilt craft

an appreciative Denis
Just thinking of Lunenburg and its astonishing collection of early frame houses and businesses, made me cringe at the loss. And it took me back to our marathon walkabout of that fine historic town, which ended in an equally fine beverage and  dinner in a fine, old atmospheric pub near the waterfront.

Fishermen's Memorial, Lunenburg

This image in black granite is part of the Fishermen's Memorial in Lunenburg. This 360 degree image captures the place much better - brings a lump into my throat even now. Powerful stuff.

From the photos in this news  report I am worried that the fire might have been at the massive red building behind this canoodling couple in one of the 100 or so photos I took that day.

I believe from the 360Cities images that this is the Adams & Knickle Building, which I read in another report, was not the building lost in the fire. Sure hope not. How do you rebuild a 100 year old building?

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