Friday, November 8, 2013

Old Buttermilk Falls

This is one of my favourite shots of one of my favourite places. It just popped up on my screen-saver slide-show, and invited sharing.

This is Benjamin Tett's 1848 stone grist mill at Bedford Mills. No hint of the din, dust and plain hard work that was going on in the day, when I took this bucolic photo from the bridge.

A delightful family lives here, and we were treated to lunch and a lovely visit.

On this day when I am still digesting news of the demise of a favourite building, it's nice to be reminded that there are people with taste, skill, resources - and will - to preserve our built heritage.


  1. One of the great things about Ontario is its stock of old mills. There´s a great one down by Long Point, a frame building from 1798. It was spared in the War of 1812 because the owner had business ties to American buyers who didn´t want to see the thing destroyed.

  2. Must get myself down to that part of the world...
