Thursday, December 19, 2013

You've got Personality

Buildings that catch my eye usually have a story to tell, and we make an emotional connection. Others just ask the viewer to stop and take a look: textures, colour, surroundings. I wish I could have captured this little building in a more flattering light...but maybe 'grey is her colour'.

I met this wee shed one raw early March day at Point Traverse, Prince Edward County, with writer John Martinello. We were there to photograph a several-generations-old fishing premises about to be demolished by the Federal Government intent on expanding wildlife habitat. (a rare example of animals encroaching on man's habitat). I posted this account.

This little grey building stood beside the slushy spring roadway, the ice still holding in the lake just off the bluff - and the wind! Despite that, the little structure called, and I answered. It's not the buildings we came to witness, but likely an earlier version of a functional building likely connected with early fishing days. Could it even have been a home at one time? Somebody local knows, I'm sure. For me, enough to stop and have a look.

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