Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Greek to Me

106 Bagot Street

plywood replacing Murney house's 12x8 sash
 "You must see 106 Bagot Street", Katherine urged (via her book lying beside the takeaway bagel on my Honda's front seat). Above is a photo of the place (again from that Cobourg Public Library webcollection) taken in 1970. That magnificent and "just a tiny bit too big but you'll grow into it" Greek Revival doorcase would have caught my attention on a moonless night. The heavy cornice mouldings and eaves returns are delicious. The multipaned windows on the side wall would turn my head. But the concrete block chimney, the add-on sided sun-porch and the tired lawn don't do a thing for the c.1850's William Floyd House.

I might have begun to worry that this little red brick might slip further. Its gable-front, side door form made me think of the little c.1845 Murney house in Belleville (above) whose fate I have pondered on occasion.

But NO!

Here is the Bagot Street house today.
Painted (not my favourite brick treatment, but perfect for a house channelling Greek style.)

Beautifully detailed doorcase and window trims.
Prim black fence and gate, neat plantings.

The later Ontario farmhouse style addition is sweet.

Definitely worth a look. Or another.

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