Sunday, November 9, 2014

Theological I'm sure*

Our wander around University Avenue almost complete, Brenda and I headed for the entrance to the Nixon Field underground parkade, when, despite the bitter wind and the approach of Armaggedon (or so the piling grey clouds would have had us believe)  the fall colours on the august stone buildings a few steps along drew us further.

Later, warmer, at home, I dipped into the Queen's Heritage study to learn more about The Theological Building.

The Theological Building (the Old Arts Building) looks like something you'd find on a British university campus, dating from the late Victorian era. In fact, it is dated 1880 and considered one of the finest, architecturally, on campus, starting a Romanesque Revival trend which influenced for good the early growth of the university. It's built of local limestone (the finest), symmetrical, with a main block with a tower, and two projecting pavilions.

There's just so much to see that I have to resort to the experts to help me find my way. What catches the eye, and creates this feeling of wonder?

Well - two-storey buttresses, various horizontal band courses, a corbel table and billet moulding just below the roof cornice, a round-arched doorway surrounded by compound arches with billet and chevron moulding (check out Den's favourite Lincoln Cathedral's main doorway if you want to see more), round-arched windows in pairs and triplets, quadruple windows in the jerkin-headed dormers, gables on top of each face of the tower with pinnacles above, a variety of window types, and more, so much more. Did I mention ivy with branches like tree trunks? But my brain is tired.

* Pardon the clip. Seemed a good balance for all the solemnity of this astonishing building.

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