Sunday, February 1, 2015

Log On

photo credit Alex Fida
I've written a number of posts about log buildings over time, I think.
One of them appeared after we visited Upper Canada Village a couple of years ago.
Can't locate any more of them right now, but there are more, so please tell me if I'm boring you.

My reasons for writing this are two-fold.
One, I want to acknowledge a faithful reader of this blog, Alex Fida, of Prince Edward County.
I've posted about Alex's new place, the historic Falconer House, a few times. This is the account of my first awed visit to the house, a place I'd long admired.

photo credit Alex Fida
Alex got in touch with me last spring to tell me about his log house - and we have been trying to get together to tell its story ever since. He sent me these photos.

Alex has acquired two early log houses of Prince Edward County, has disassembled and moved them, and is currently reassembling one on his property in Bloomfield. (He seems to have no trouble taking on multiple projects.) Alex is aided in his log house rebuild by the well-respected restoration carpenter Kip Brisley.

These photos were taken last October. When gentle outdoor temperatures return, I will visit this log project in person, and share some of Alex's stories - and photos of its current status - on 'ancestralroofs'.
a summer log house near Salmon Point

The other reason for rebooting my log stories - Orland French, writer and publisher of the hugely successful Wind, Water,Barley & Wine (a PEC geology cum history cum geography cum architecture cum farming/winery industry cum natural history treasure) has just okayed my using a bunch of material which I submitted for the book (I wrote a chapter on the early architecture of the county), and which was not used, on this blog.
This log cabin appeared in the Spring issue of CQL

I am glad to have more photos to rifle through. Here are a couple of log homes I like - one superbly restored by the Brisley's of Fish Lake, the other, holding its own in cottage country.

1 comment:

  1. Hi I am trying to locate a log cabin that was my Great-grandmother's families.
    It is in South Frontenac....perhaps on Perth Rd S. Which was Bedford Mills at the time I believe. Is there anyone out there that I can send a photo of the cabin and perhaps someone out there may recognize it? Thanks! PLease email me
