Thursday, April 2, 2015

Can one have too many favourite houses?

I am speechless.

Yesterday I managed to find one of the most impressive homes in my (admittedly small) world.

Well, in truth, I had found it many times, easy enough as it stands on Victoria Street, the main street of Tweed, Ontario.

What I can say is, I managed to find it when the sun was shining on it, and a vehicle (which to my mind always detracts) wasn't parked in front

So, since I claimed to be speechless, for now, here is my favourite Moderne house.

 I'll pop back later to talk more about the style, or you could just check out Shannon Kyle's Ontario Architecture website for her chapter on Art Moderne or Machine Age architecture.

 I believe you'll notice that she found the place, also.


  1. This is a favourite, for sure, and one that I enjoyed seeing when I took a break in the park beside the house last summer. Do you know of the moderne apartment building in Picton, either Queen or King Street?

    1. Same architect. 16 Queen st Picton.

  2. I think you must mean the wonderful apartment building I wrote about on November 28, 2014? It's on King Street. Is this the one? Couldn't post a link.
