Saturday, May 23, 2015

Cobblestone Encounter

I'm loving my new road atlas.
It makes heeding the siren call of a new side-road that little bit easier, as it reveals just where one might end up, and what discoveries might be waiting.

But the side-trip off the Stirling-Marmora Road along King's Mill Road - well, to be honest, I was pretty sure I would come across King's Mill at some point, but I didn't expect this!

Another Hastings County cobblestone.
I thought we had them all.

I wrote a piece for Country Roads Winter 2011/12 issue on Hastings County's cobblestone houses. This was the first ever I wrote for editor Nancy Hopkins, who tracked me down via a piece I'd done on the same topic, in Outlook, the Hastings County Historical Society newsletter.

 I had as a source, the cobblestone house files of the estimable building historian Lois Foster, as well as an early ACO driving tour guide. I wrote about them all, even the one that was demolished!

But here, at 460 King's Mills Road, is another. Somewhat neglected, but pretty fine nonetheless. Large 12x8 sash windows, a great doorway with small panes in transom and half-sidelights.

 A beautiful setting on a rise, with loads of great old trees and flowering shrubs.

A pretty creditable job on ashlar quoins, and an awning verandah roof, covered in steel.

Nice moulded cornice and eaves returns.

And the cobblestone work. Evenly sized multicoloured cobbles, regularly coursed, with some relatively unsuccessful changes around windows and door-case.

So, who are you my lovely, and what is your story?


  1. Nice to meet you today, Lindy. We will definitely drive by this other cobblestone house.

  2. A pleasure to meet you also! I'd be interested to see what you think of the house. I've made inquiries at HCHS, but so far, no response. I may go to the Heritage Centre soon, and ask in person.
