Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Ugly Buildings

Community Heritage Ontario just shared a great link, a great FB post from the U.S. National Trust for Historic Preservation.

Seven tips for saving ugly buildings. Good way to highlight the things that make them ugly in the first place, and what we have so unsympathetically done to them.

No building is born ugly.
Wellington - lose the sunporch, get some paint on this treasure

You can read the article by Julia Rocchi, National Trust digital contect wrangler (recommended) or just browse her list I've summarized here.

1. Think about what defines beauty
2. Explain why it's important architecturally
3. Connect emotionally
Tweed - bury a Moderne house in additions

4. Share its history/connections
5. Go inside (not always an option, alas)
6. Consider what we would lose if we lost it
7. And if all else fails, be patient. Tastes may change.

Trenton - waiting for it to die

Pretty good way to encourage a love and awareness of built heritage. Whether it's endangered or not.

Trenton- uneasy marriage

Browse this gallery of ugly buildings. By and large, our fault. Changing taste. Unsympathetic modernization or repair. Plastic commercial facades. Not sure if it's necessary to apologize, but it's a small gallery, as I seldom find any building ugly. Challenging maybe, not ugly.

Toronto Parkdale - waiting for something...

Belleville - for this they demolished a fine Victorian P.O.

Nipigon - at least the neon still works

Toronto - gorgeous Deco Moderne facade disfugured

Toronto - shop front definitely does not work

Belleville - unused potential

Belleville - cast iron needs help
Toronto...taste check. Fail.

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