Friday, February 12, 2016

Three-part Harmony

Hayes' Tavern, Waupoos
There are no coincidences, according to something I once read.Things happen for a reason.
So I suppose last night's research trip into my treasure chest of back issues of Century Home magazine happened, not just because I remembered an article about a house I plan to write about, but because it was time to make some connections.
Brisley issue

The article in question was about Hayes' Inn which once stood in Consecon, and its wonderful salvation story. Found it. Second one in the first pile.

The issue below turned out to have relevance. It featured an article titled Halfway House. That's a common name for old inns; a look confirmed that the issue featured the other inn I wanted to write about in the same post.

Foxboro 'dream' home
Then the third issue I put my hands on had a wonderful piece about a dear stone cottage near Foxboro that I'd mused about last July.  The owner of this darling place invited me to visit shortly afterwards, but I lost her coordinates during a busy period of family illness, writing deadlines and camping trips. Should you see this, stone cottage friend, drop a line?

Then perhaps the moment was just to remind me how grateful I am to ACO acquaintance Judith, whose generous offer of a large collection of Century Home magazines has provided such a great resource, and endless enjoyment over the past 2 years. I wrote about my windfall in January 2014, and the story of this great Canadian magazine in March.

Incidentally, I am in a position to share the wealth. I realize now that there are many duplicate issues in the collection. If you are at all interested, and live within driving distance of Belleville, email me at the address on this blog, and we can discuss getting them to you.

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