Wednesday, March 23, 2016

There's a Meetin' here tonight...well August 26,27 and 28th actually

 Kathy Staples, official stalwart of Old Hay Bay Church, has sent me information about Roots 2016, a grand event scheduled at the site on the 1792 Methodist meeting house on  August 26, 27 and 28, 2016. It will be a grand assemblage to evoke the spirit of the early Methodists who gathered on this hallowed ground at Canada's first Methodist camp meeting in 1805. 

William and Mary Losee rest from their labours
I hope in this small way to assist in exhorting the faithful to make plans to attend. Here is a link to the OHBC website (a medium of communication which saddlebag preachers struggling with the trackless wilderness would never have dreamed possible.) There's a Facebook page as well.

Roots 2016 is a reunion for the descendants of the founders of  the 1792 church. Also invited are relatives of the families of the young people who drowned on their way to this very church in 1819, a truly heart-breaking story, well told at the church and the adjacent church yard. The poster on the website lists the family names.


I have always wondered about this little certificate which I found in one of the books in our parents' small library of local history. Looks like my ticket to the celebration. Likely through the Clapp family connection. One day I will explore further. In the meantime, some views of the beautiful setting which invites you to enjoy your heritage, and the 'faith of our fathers.'

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