Tuesday, December 13, 2016

'The County' way

the John Platt Williams house (c. 1817)
  I've been a fan of Steve Campbell's since mom  gave me an issue of County Magazine 30-odd    years ago, on a trip home from B.C. The magazine is staunchly 'County'-centric and I'm a proud subscriber (as a native PECtorian.) My favourite contributions are Ian Robertson's history pieces and, of course, Phil Ainsworth's house stories.  If you drop by AR regularly, you'll recall my post about Picton's old hospital. You might also be aware of Phil's generosity in sharing two early photos of the house from which the hospital grew.

I might have called this post 'P.S.' I know that I occasionally promise to return to a subject (and regularly forget) but it was just last night, while looking for something in a back issue, I came across Phil Ainsworth's detailed article about the Prinzen farm. I mused about its unique situation in the middle of the village of Bloomfield not long ago. I cannot imagine why '310 Main Street Bloomfield', which appeared in the Winter 2015 issue of County Magazine,  hadn't come to mind when I wrote the post.

Unfortunately, as County Magazine doesn't have a web presence, the only advice I can give is to check with one of PEC's great public librairies or rifle through someone's magazine rack. And enjoy Phil Ainsworth's fascinating article - meticulous research, enjoyable writing, and the archival photos of 310 Main Street, Bloomfield.

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