Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Head for the Hills

Not long ago I wrote about hills so I'll take the liberty of creating a somewhat corny segue to an introduction. I'd like to make Ancestral Roofs readers aware (if you aren't already) of the worthy blog Hills of Heritage

Not long ago, I received an email from the editor, Ian Anderson, who had linked Ancestral Roofs to their blog list, wondering if I might reciprocate. And I hastened to do so, for it is brilliant.

Hills of Heritage "is a guide for residents of Southern Ontario and their neighbours, to the physical, written and oral evidence of our shared past." The blog adopts the mandate of heritage preservation and education.

The earliest entry is from June 2013. Topics range from the politics of heritage preservation to coverage of Caledon and area heritage events. The editor invites readers to contribute items.

Like my recent gift The Grand River: Dundalk to Lake Erie, the blog Hills of Heritage reminds me that there are dozens of places I need to visit: to learn about their architectural history, their farming heritage and their natural beauty. The Caledon Hills, Albion Hills. Bellfountain, Cheltenham badlands (who knew?), Forks of the Credit have leapt off the page and onto my bucket list.
A few days ago, I changed my laptop slideshow to photos of Black Creek Pioneer Village. As they have been popping up, I have realized that with the exception of the Roblin Mill, I didn't devote any blog time to this wonderful place we visited a couple of spring-times ago.

My first visit to Hills of Heritage created a link. Just last month, the blog announced a guest speaker on the topic of Ontario's devastating Hurricane Hazel of October 15, 1954.

The photos shown here seem appropriate, as Black Creek Pioneer Village grew out of  the period of damage assessment, the creation of conservation authorities and formulation of regulations prohibiting future building on flood plains - all in the urgent need to prevent the death and damage caused by Hurricane Hazel.

The log house here, the barn and the frame Georgian house sit on the banks of the Humber River, and have sat here since 1825/6 when Daniel and Elizabeth Stong and their family of eight dwelt and toiled there. Here's a history link on the Black Creek Pioneer Village website. Do go visit.

If you're arm-chair travelling instead, drop by Hills of Heritage

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