Tuesday, March 21, 2017

A Breath of Fresh Brick

Adoring from afar, that's my stance. I make a point of absolute compliance with the convention of respecting private property. My admiration and photographs of people's homes and castles is always conducted politely from the curbside.

I scrupulously obeyed my own rule (and the law) during a wander (husband dear would suggest 'forced march' might be more accurate) up and down many of the exquisite streets of the Durand, a posh neighbourhood in Hamilton a few years ago. As we climbed ever higher, the homes became grander, until just under 'the edge', Ravenscliffe Castle hove into view. Streetview captures the moment for you.

My interest in Ravenscliffe was rekindled on March 14 when Liane Pluthero whose posts on Historical Hamilton pop up occasionally on my Facebook, added this listing. The 1881 castle is again for sale, an outstanding family home/castle, for just a bit of pocket change under nine million.

The old pile was up for sale back in 2014. Here's that listing - amazingly (or not?) the asking price a scant three years ago was 1.7 million. That listing alluded to the work that might be required. So perhaps, in the way that old assessment records tell building stories, the new asking price implies that considerable improvements have been made.
But the very best thing about Liane Pluthero's post was the link to a realtor's blog, Fresh Brick. Adam Wilson has a great eye, an unshakeable belief that a picture is worth a thousand words (and a gifted photographer on his team.)

So, although we are really not in the market for a castle, I am loving this site, for doing what I cannot do. Go inside. See how this beauty looks, 'staged' for the market. Whoa.
2 Ravenscliffe Avenue (1906)

I read somewhere that James Balfour's castle originally sat on nine acres of property; lots were sold off over time, and homes were built around it.

None of them detracts from the magnificence of the setting. Take a Streetview walkabout yourself, and enjoy some of these beauties. Then enter the properties, and pass through the front doors of a select few, thanks to Adam Wilson and Fresh Brick.

It's okay. It's estate tourism. Check out this CBC Hamilton article from a few years ago.

Like 2 Ravenscliffe Avenue, pictured here. Here's a link to the Fresh Brick tour.

Or the 1908 Finn mansion at #12.

I do love Hamilton. As I mentioned here, here , and here, for starters.

And poring over my Ravenscliffe Avenue photos today, I believe I am about to do it again.

12 Ravenscliffe Avenue (1908)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for honouring Hamilton and its heritage...and for not calling it 'The Hammer'. Love Ravenscliffe, although I'd hire a different interior designer.
