Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Deco Dream come True

I have mentioned on occasion my passion for Art Deco or Moderne or Machine Age architecture. I posted about a Picton beauty back in 2012, and about online contact with Tim Morawetz, who produced the exquisite  Art Deco in Toronto. Link here .

While in Vancouver, I had an time and opportunity to succumb to the deco charms of 3 iconic structures: the Burrard Bridge, The Marine Building, and Vancouver City Hall.

I believe in  synchronicity. Call it coincidence if you like, that thing that can happen when people have passion or energy for a subject, and things come together. When we were in Vancouver, our dear friend Ronnie (who had heard me going on about Burrard Bridge, suspended as it was above our Granville Island waterfront glass of wine patio) suggested a visit to a gallery on Clark Drive, which was hosting The Lost Vancouver: An Unexpected Art Deco Tour.

The gallery was experience enough - a meeting of minds and talents, generating enough energy to light a small town.

The show, with photos by Simon Desrochers, and artwork by Matthieu Persan (here's a link to a
CBC story on the show) is the brainchild of a bright and beautiful Parisienne, Anne Vegnaduzzo, of AVA Artists Agency. Her unique website features a link to AVA's Facebook with photos of the opening of the show, and of the walls featuring the photos and illustrations. Deco Heaven.
photos: Simon Desrochers, illustrations: Matthieu Persan

Vancouver City Hall
So, here I am, pouring over the images, devouring the text, considering risking a photo or two, when a Titian- haired dynamo bursts into the room, and engages me in conversation. Overwhelms, actually, with her energy, vision, youth - and her passionate interest in heritage architecture. That Anne Vegnaduzzo!

As we part, promising to be in touch, she promises me a link to the exhibit artwork/text. And follows through.

And all this happened before I got to spend quality time with the Burrard Street Bridge (1932), the Marine Building (1930) and Vancouver City Hall (1936.)

Deco delirious.
Burrard Street Bridge

Marine Building, 355 Burrard Street

As I was browsing about I came upon this site which contains images from the 1925 Exposition Internationale des Arts Decoratifs et Industriels Modernes,  considered to be the birthplace of Art Deco.  Ironically, the term Art Deco was coined, by Corbusier no less, as a pejorative.

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