Sunday, February 17, 2019

Oriel window shopping

I have loved this house since I first laid eyes on it, wandering the streets of the Old East Hill. Tonight as I was having a last cast into the stream of bumpf streaming down from Facebook, I found this real estate listing. Words fail. Where did I put that 800K I was saving up!!

It's the Bell-Riggs house, dated 1855! Picturesque, you might say. I have wondered for years what's behind that wee oriel window (a wide and inviting window seat) and behind the tall round-headed window in the Tuscan tower. Find out for yourself.
Five-bay Georgian form if you look at it from this angle

Delightful setting - single family home still!

That link above, which you likely eschewed, is safe. It is a treat. It is an invitation behind these doors. 

I've always wondered if the Georgian wing to the left was earlier


  1. Such a beautifully odd building. Have admired it many times while walking east-end Belleville. Hope the new owners will have enough love and money to do it justice.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Karen, yes it's for sale. That's what prompted the post. And the link to the real estate listing is in the first paragraph. That's how I know what's behind the oriel window.

  4. Sorry, I deleted my comment, I was wanting to say is it *STILL* for sale. I'm a little slow on the uptake in the mornings, LOL
