Saturday, July 1, 2017

Window Warrior Princess


I have written before about architecture professor Shannon Kyles and her campaign to convince owners of heritage buildings to restore, rather than replace, wood-framed windows. I won't add tiresome links; just Google 'ancestral roofs kyles windows' to catch up with the story.

Just this week, a great article appeared in the Hamilton Spectator about Shannon, and a recent test she conducted, which provides all the evidence a homeowner might need that restored windows are every bit as efficient (and infinitely more aesthetically pleasing and historically accurate) as vinyl replacements. Here's a link.

It's a fun read. Columnist Jeff Mahoney knows Shannon, and his characterization of her "all or nothing let the devil take the hindmost manner" is pretty accurate, I would think. The photos are fun.

But the important thing is the proof that with a bit of patience and the skills of a heritage specialist (a couple of names pop up in the article) we can resist the easy way out vinyl replacement solution, and save the best features of old homes - their windows.

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