Saturday, July 1, 2017

News from Ham House - you can help make history!!

before restoration
I have been worrying about historic Ham House in Bath since the year I began this blog, 2010, when I despaired for its future in this little post.

I need not have worried, as by 2012, I learned that the indomitable Ron Tasker, wife Bonnie and volunteers had undertaken to save and restore the 1816 neoclassical store and residence. We visited in 2012, got news of another tour in 2013, and recorded the visit here. In 2014 I introduced Ron to my other heritage hero Shannon Kyles the heritage window restoration activist.

after restoration - photo courtesy R.Tasker
I had been waiting to post this until I got to Bath for better photos of the 2017 Ham House, but since it's been raining for a month, I will use Ron's photo.
one of Ron's hundreds of Ham history talks
Ron has been in touch. He sent a link to the Ham House website. Check out the History, Finds and Restoration pages.

But most importantly, click on the Donate page, to read about Ron's GoFundMe campaign. For him to make the final step to bring the house to life, with  a restaurant/pub, he needs to do the final push to raise funds for the extremely high municipal fees required.

Those of us who have delighted in the restoration story, wishing we had the drive for such a project,  now have an opportunity to be included. Please visit the website, follow the Donate link.

Just think. When this hurdle has been crossed, we can sip a local brew in the rejuvenated store and study the 1800s grafitti, or have a lunch beside one of the Georgian fireplace mantels.

 Ron Tasker has also created a Facebook page with the story, and loads of before and after photos. It is really incredible what smarts and hard work have created.

Now we can do our part. Donate!

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