Many regulars made the deck by the millpond their summer home. Others came for special event dinners and great music. But it's been a hard winter - for trees, for animals, for people! - and for restaurants.
I was fortunate to meet Peter and tell his mill story in the Winter 2012 issue of County and Quinte Living magazine.
A browse through this photo essay shows how smitten I was with the place. Enjoy a little more time here.

And check out Peter's farewell message, and pass on his offer for sale.
There will be someone out there for whom this is their next best place to be.
So thanks Peter Sutton - for the memories. For the vision and hard work. Sorry we let you down. Sorry so sorry to see you go. Exit to the rising strains of one more chorus of "You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone."
This is very sad news indeed. Even though we didn't go often, it was nice to know that this special place was not far away. Glad we were able to join you and Den there once. Brenda