dilemma I found myself in two years ago.
I learned of Tim Morawetz' first book, Art Deco Architecture in Toronto about the same time I found that it was already out of print. I became a fan when the author generously gave me access to a PDF of the book, for my own research. We corresponded about some Deco delights in Tweed and Picton, and I was able to provide a bit of local content.
The topic of Art Deco architecture in Toronto was not broad enough for Mr. Morawetz, apparently, as he's now taking on the inter-war style across our wide country.
As I mentioned in a Facebook post this morning, if you have ever visited the Marine Building in Vancouver, and found yourself simultaneously gob-smacked and frustrated at your inability to capture the Art Deco magnificence of the place (or is it just me?) then this book will be for you. The book appears (from the Amazon samples) to be designed like the first volume - masses of informative text and photos.
All this excitement is reviving an experience I had last spring in Vancouver. Yes, that Vancouver. The one with Burrard Bridge, Marine Building, City Hall's Deco detailing. Won't repeat it here (but if you've travelled the link, you already know the story.)
So. The Marine building visit. The D rested in the cool damp across the intersection as I explored the exterior, and later we investigated the interior and found hot coffee. As I mentioned above, I despaired of capturing the wonder of its form and detail, but I'll share some images nonetheless. Here's a link to a Vancouver history website with more detail on this magnificent building's appearance in 1929, the best of buildings at not the best of times.
impossible plasterwork |
These will have to do, until you get a chance to see Art Deco Architecture Across Canada in person.
How exciting! Love your photos.