Then last night, as I was savouring a chapter in my re-reading of the delightful volume The Ancestral Roof, I made a discovery. (Yes, the title was the inspiration for this blog's name, homage to this very early book about early Ontario architecture, published in 1963. Not a text-book, more drawing room chat with the most erudite Marion Macrae.)
Back to England.One of the topics I unearthed in my studies over the past few years was the Palladian Style. I had a go at this academic European style a couple of times, and remembered enough to think "this house is Palladian in inspiration."
Elements characteristic of the style (which I won't go on about here, since you have already followed the links to my earlier peregrinations) include the form, with flanking wings, a projecting centre section with pediment, raised basement level, and absolute symmetry. It also seems to me that the external steps to the main entrance on the second level, and the columns (Ionic capitals) are typical. Is ashlar stone characteristic? I would think so.
Ah yes. A look at Macrae puts Maplehurst solidly in the ranks of the 'vernacular.' Does she say that with a slight sniff? She doesn't mince words. "Maplehurst presents a somewhat contradictory of merits and absurdities." Ah, she does like the masonry work. The entry (which I thought rather grand, what do I know?) not so much. She lectures the master-craftsmen involved for "the sheer ineptitude of composition present in the recessed porch...It may not always have worn its heavy architrave like a cold compress [ouch!] for a decorative cornice may once have relieved the bad proportion, but the capitals of the columns can never have been any closer to the Ionic than they are now." She notes that the humbling external shutters must have been added later, by those who didn't know better.
As we leave, we turn our attention to the bank of the great river, where stands this skeletal windmill. The inn website states that this was the site of Mr. Longley's wind-powered (later steam-powered) mill. I wonder if the fine stone barns adjacent are part of the complex?
This page contains some biographical information about George Longley. Ah, Maplehurst clearly has more stories to tell us.